Wednesday, November 6, 2019

"Violets and Perfume"

"Violets and Perfume"
oil, 10x8"
Click her to go to my Daily Paint Works gallery

  I have fun most of the time setting up an arrangement
of things. I started with the main object which are the flowers,
then I searched through my shelves where I keep a lot of my stuff
to paint to see if I can find something to go with the flowers.
 When I couldn't find anything there, I searched around the
house looking and looking, that won't work, no that won't
work either, then it clicked when I spotted this little perfume bottle
with it's little top, that worked!

Friday, November 1, 2019

"Summer Light"

"Summer Light"
oil, 16x20"
Click here to view my Daily Paint Works Gallery

My paintings are mostly done in tones, I strive mainly on
values first and keeping my colors also in check with values.
I always have to be excited about my subject, if I'm not which
happens sometimes, that painting goes no where
and is quite frustrating. When I get the right lighting on my
 subject that's really exciting to me!