Thursday, September 19, 2019

"Overflowing Pansies"

"Overflowing Pansies"
oil, 8x10"

                                              Click here to view my small works gallery 

My pansies were so abundant this year they overflowed the
pot they were in. Didn't get much sunshine this summer in the 
pacific northwest although pansies seem to do better in cooler weather. 
Our other annuals didn't do to well, a bit straggly.   

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

"Bucket of Lobelia"

"Bucket of Lobelia"
oil, 8x8" Sold

These wonderful lobelias were out on my deck just glowing in the sun.
Lobelias are one of my favorite flowers to paint. 
They are such dainty flowers by themselves but when they 
mass together the colors are so vibrant. 

Saturday, September 7, 2019

"The Day is Done"

"The Day is Done"
oil, 6x6 Sold
Click here to view my small works gallery

When setting this still life up I pictured it being evening and
the day was done. The candle blown out, the glasses taken off,
the book closed and the teacup was empty.