Wednesday, May 17, 2017

"Primroses in Red"

"Primroses in Red"
oil, 8x10"

Earlier this spring I brought these primroses into my
studio to paint. I loved the look of the deep red flowers
against the yellow centers.
I will be doing a demo at the gallery I'm in, went to the nursery
and picked up a gerbera and some pansies to paint.
We have been working on our bathroom remodel, painting walls
picking out a vanity etc., so haven't been painting lately and am
excited to put that brush to the canvas instead of walls.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


oil, 8x10"

I set these wonderful gerberas in my studio and painted them from
life.  What caught my interest to paint them was the deep rich color and
the beautiful display of their petals.  
Spring is here and 100's of annuals are starting to bloom. I love going to
the nursery, I admire all of them. Always looking for some to bring home to
paint first then plant.