Tuesday, April 26, 2016


oil, 8"x10"

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

White Violets/Teacup

"White Violets/Teacup
oil, 8x8

I set these violets up in my studio and painted
them from life. 
This is one of the teacups that my sister in law was so gracious 
to give to me. Love the color.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Crisp White Peonies

"Crisp White Peonies"
oil, 8x10

Painting flowers brings a joy in my life. They are so 
beautiful and so many to choose from. Before picking any out,
I examine them carefully to see which one strikes me the most.
It's hard because there are so many choices.
God brings so much beauty in our lives and it's all 
around us.