Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sink in the Cottage

"Sink in the Cottage"
oil, 8x10"

This old vintage sink must have many memories.   

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Lemon

"The Lemon"
oil, 8x10

Set this still life up and painted it from life.  My son made this beautiful
bowl in his pottery class. He did so well with pottery but 
never pursued it, he was more into sports. I was drawn to the
 lemon casting a striking reflection on the table and on the bowl. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"Cow in the Meadow"

"Cow in the Meadow"
oil, 8x8

On a trip to California we stopped off at Duncan Mills. There
were cows grazing in the meadow, got a few photos shots of
them. They don't seem to be shy at having their pictures
taken. This one here seemed to love it.