Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Teacup and Comfort

"Teacup and Comfort"
oil, 8x10

I set this still life up and painted it from life. My sister-in-law gave me
this beautiful teacup along with many more that I plan on painting.
I used the plant to add direction with the leaves to encircle the teacup
leading to the book. The teacups shadow also keeps it in the circle. The plant
and book seem to be comforting the teacup just like those
that love you.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

"Vintage Iron"

Vintage Iron
oil, 8x10"

My brother gave me this Sunbeam iron that was from the 50's.
He is a collector of antiques and vintage stuff, which I am
also fond of. I am sure it still works, haven't tried it yet, 
just caught my attention to paint it. I love the shiny metal, black
handle and old cord. 
Yesterday is gone but memories still exist.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


oil 8x8"

These beautiful pansies were on my deck with back lit lighting
casting these wonderful shadows.

My 2016 Calendars are here, to view click the link below.