Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The White Dress

"The White Dress"
oil 8x10

I had my eye on this old vintage iron that my brother had and
was kind enough to give it to me so I could put it in a
painting. I like to make up a theme in my mind, like I was
actually there. I pictured this old house and the mother
had just ironed her daughters cute white dress.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


oil 8x10

It's OK to take time to relax. There are times when
my mind is consumed with matters that really don't matter.
I am just passing through this beautiful life that God has
given me. What shall I do with it? I will see beyond the reality of
this world and look at God's reality.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Colorful Poppies

"Colorful Poppies"
oil 8x10

Poppies are always fun to paint, they
are so colorful and vibrant. I painted this
alla prima for a demo.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


"Sunflower" oil, 4x6
Frame 8x10

The frame is of metal tin, it can be hung on the wall or
placed on a table.
I love and collect frames from all over the country. My frames
are a part of my paintings. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

"Geraniums" Mini

"Geraniums" Mini
4x4 oil

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pansies Mixed Colors

Very exciting and honor to win 1st place in oils at the WA State Fair in the fine arts division!
Also to have a write up in two papers!

Hibiscus in Pink

"Hibiscus in Pink"
6x6" oil

Another painting from my brother and wife's garden. Right
outside of their kitchen window was this beautiful
glowing pink hibiscus. The sun was hitting it just right 
to cause these wonderful shadows.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"Into the Light"

"Into the Light"
oil 8x10

While walking through my brothers garden I spotted these
beautiful white flowers peering out of the
shadows and into the light.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Teacup in Bloom

"Teacup in Bloom"
oil 8x8"
I was down in California and had a wonderful visit with
my family.
My brothers wife had a slew of teacups and gave them
to me. I use to paint teacups quite often, now that I have
a box full hopefully I will be painting more teacups.
I set this still life up in my studio and painted it 
from life.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


oil 5x7

Sunflowers are fun to paint and they have such a warm glow to them, 
the yellows in light and the oranges in shadow.
I kept everything else in a cooler tone because the
sunflower is so warm. Though some yellows can be on the cool side.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

"Geraniums in Red"

"Geraniums in Red"
Oil, 8x10"

The love of color, the love of design, the love of  beauty 
is the love of the flowers.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Lobelia, oil 8x10"

 This potted lobelia was out on my deck waiting to be painted. I was so
drawn how lush the purple and white lobelia
looked together.I love it when something catches your
eye immediately instead of searching and searching
for that perfect subject. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"Geraniums and it's Shadow"

"Geraniums and it's Shadow"
oil 5x7"

Morning and afternoon sun cast beautiful long shadows.   
My favorite times  
of the day to spot those wonderful shadows.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Chinese Lily

Chinese Lily
oil 8x8"

This lily was in a large bouquet of flowers, I was so surprised how large
this lily was when it had opened up. I had to paint it, stuck it
in a water glass and went for it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"Lavender Teacup & Sprigs"

"Lavender Teacup & Sprigs"
oil 8x8"

I painted this lavender teacup and sprigs from life, my favorite way to paint.
The lavenders are in bloom now and  love the aroma.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

"Little Church in Idaho"

"Little Church in Idaho"
oil 8x10"

Loved the shadows on this little church. This church is located in
Boise, Idaho.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


oil 8x10"

One of my favorite flowers, love the tiny clusters that
make up on big bloom. 
Thank you God for all you have given us!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Peeking Pansy

"Peeking Pansy"
oil 8x8"

After this painting was done, I noticed that one of the opened pansy was 
the only one peeking out of the window,  It looks like the pansy
is really enjoying the view.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


 $4.75 per magnet free shipping 

These magnets measures 4.1/4" x 5.1/2" and is on a solid sheet magnet made of flexible material. My image is photo copied into the material. A beautiful way to display flowers etc.. on any metal surface. I have displayed each image according to my monitors colors to match the product, each monitor may vary.

Monday, April 27, 2015



Wednesday, April 8, 2015


8x8 oil

Do I take time to look around to really see..
Do I take time to be there for someone..
Do I take time to see who I am..
Do I take time to change for the better..
Do I take time dear God?

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

"Geraniums Flocked"

"Geraniums Flocked"
oil 8x10"

Geraniums are always a joy to paint, their colors and forms are intriguing
to me. But I can say that about all flowers. How can we not paint them.
I am still working on paintings that will be published in a book and really enjoying
the process, a lot of research (that I love doing) that will compliment the story. 
While painting each piece, I feel like I am inside the painting living the story.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

"Mini Pansies"

"Mini Pansies"
oil 3x3

This is a miniature painting and comes with the frame. The
painting is 3x3" painted on linen, the frame size is 5.25x5x25".
I have two monitors one looked more blue purple the other
looked more red purple, the painting is more red purple.
I have been doing larger works for an author for her book, very exciting!
Always enjoy painting mini's.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"Gala Apples"

"Gala Apples"
oil 8x8"

I set this still life up, rearranged it till I felt it was right. Moved
the apples around and around, moved the knife moved the leaves
and came up with this set up.
Gala apples are my favorite.

Pelican Resting

Pelican Resting
oil 5x7"

This pelican decided to take a rest at Avila Beach, CA.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Secluded Pond"

"Secluded Pond"
Oil 8x10

This pond is located in Washington State up in the hills of Eatonville. It was a calm
and secluded place, so serene. The sun hit so beautifully, I had to paint it. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

"Peaches and Berries" SOLD

"Peaches and Berries"
oil 6"x 6"


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Flowers in a Basket" Sold

"Flowers in a Basket"
oil 6"x 6"

Painting baskets can get confusing with all those weaves,
I sometimes get lost on which row I'm on.
Flowers are are always a joy to paint!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015



Birds always fascinate me, their beauty, personalities, building their nests
and taking care of their babies. I love watching them as they group together 
and are synchronized when flying. What is truly amazing to me is all that God has 
created just for us.
Thank You

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

"Perching Jay"

"Perching Jay"
oil 5x7

Looking out from my window as I watch many small birds 
flocking to the bird feeder, are constantly keeping an
eye on everything.
   The small ones are watching out for the bigger birds, like the crows
and jays and are ready to flee in a heartbeat.
They don't mind eating with the squirrels or doves when
food drops to the ground. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Iris in Snowy White

Iris in Snowy White
oil 6x6 on panel

The texture of the petals, the vibrant colors,
the placement of the stem. God has given this to us
to see, smell, touch and paint.
Thank You