Monday, September 28, 2015

"Geraniums" Mini

"Geraniums" Mini
4x4 oil

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pansies Mixed Colors

Very exciting and honor to win 1st place in oils at the WA State Fair in the fine arts division!
Also to have a write up in two papers!

Hibiscus in Pink

"Hibiscus in Pink"
6x6" oil

Another painting from my brother and wife's garden. Right
outside of their kitchen window was this beautiful
glowing pink hibiscus. The sun was hitting it just right 
to cause these wonderful shadows.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"Into the Light"

"Into the Light"
oil 8x10

While walking through my brothers garden I spotted these
beautiful white flowers peering out of the
shadows and into the light.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Teacup in Bloom

"Teacup in Bloom"
oil 8x8"
I was down in California and had a wonderful visit with
my family.
My brothers wife had a slew of teacups and gave them
to me. I use to paint teacups quite often, now that I have
a box full hopefully I will be painting more teacups.
I set this still life up in my studio and painted it 
from life.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


oil 5x7

Sunflowers are fun to paint and they have such a warm glow to them, 
the yellows in light and the oranges in shadow.
I kept everything else in a cooler tone because the
sunflower is so warm. Though some yellows can be on the cool side.