Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Chinese Lily

Chinese Lily
oil 8x8"

This lily was in a large bouquet of flowers, I was so surprised how large
this lily was when it had opened up. I had to paint it, stuck it
in a water glass and went for it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"Lavender Teacup & Sprigs"

"Lavender Teacup & Sprigs"
oil 8x8"

I painted this lavender teacup and sprigs from life, my favorite way to paint.
The lavenders are in bloom now and  love the aroma.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

"Little Church in Idaho"

"Little Church in Idaho"
oil 8x10"

Loved the shadows on this little church. This church is located in
Boise, Idaho.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


oil 8x10"

One of my favorite flowers, love the tiny clusters that
make up on big bloom. 
Thank you God for all you have given us!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Peeking Pansy

"Peeking Pansy"
oil 8x8"

After this painting was done, I noticed that one of the opened pansy was 
the only one peeking out of the window,  It looks like the pansy
is really enjoying the view.