Monday, April 27, 2015



Wednesday, April 8, 2015


8x8 oil

Do I take time to look around to really see..
Do I take time to be there for someone..
Do I take time to see who I am..
Do I take time to change for the better..
Do I take time dear God?

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

"Geraniums Flocked"

"Geraniums Flocked"
oil 8x10"

Geraniums are always a joy to paint, their colors and forms are intriguing
to me. But I can say that about all flowers. How can we not paint them.
I am still working on paintings that will be published in a book and really enjoying
the process, a lot of research (that I love doing) that will compliment the story. 
While painting each piece, I feel like I am inside the painting living the story.