Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cosmos and a touch of Lobelia 6x6 oil Sold

It doesn't matter what the subject is, I love to paint contrast. Light against dark or dark against light. I like to make up images in my mind and paint them. Sometimes I get stuck though and can't remember exactly what it looked like, for instance the center of these cosmos. I had one pink flower left, so I went outside and studied it. Sometimes I will go back to some photos I have taken and put them in the painting. This painting wasn't in front of me, it was inside of me.

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Morning Tea 5x7 oil

When I set this still life up I wasn't sure if I should put in the whole cup or let it go out of the painting. I let it go out to focus on the on three items, cup tea bag and spoon. I decided to add a dark value to the left of the painting to stop the eye, plus it added more interest. If something doesn't feel right, just go for it and fix it, even if it's not there.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tea 8x10 oil

I always have fun painting this teapot, it has beautiful drippings of blues. When it's in shadow some of the blues almost look black. I always look for contrasting light and shadow when I set up my still life's. I was really impressed when I saw how the shadow flowed down into the cup.

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Just Resting 8x10 oil Sold

What caught my eye in this scene was the shadow for the basket. I liked how the light from the baskets weave shown through the shadow. I also liked that old green door. I had painted a larger piece in the past where the whole bike was in view. I recently looked at it again and wanted to do smaller painting and focus more on the basket and shadow.

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

"Cottage Geraniums" oil 5x5 Sold

For some reason, maybe the cloth it's sitting on, reminds me of a setting you'd see in a cottage.. I like painting old, vintage and cottage type paintings. They seem to be peaceful to me, not sure why.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Sew" oil 8x10 Sold

I took some items from the sewing box and started to place them here and there, which can take awhile to get a good composition. Instead I just sprawled them all over the cloth, I really liked how it gave the look of simplicity. Those scissors are pretty old and have some rust on them, which I am always drawn to.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Daisies 5x5 oil Sold

I haven't posted for awhile, been busy doing shows and demoing.
I love painting white against a dark background, it seems to really make the white pop. Daisies are always fun to paint. My goal is to paint them in a more loose painterly style.

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