Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Soothing Lavender 8x10 oil
I saw this bottle of lavender lotion on my sink. I searched the house to see what I could put with it and found lavender sprigs and some lavender soap. I also added the washcloth to lay some of the lavender on it. The still life just fell together, I couldn't wait to get to my easel and start painting it. The scent of lavender is so soothing. Thank you God for all that you give us.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Would You Like Some Bread 11x14 oil
This little girl was trying to feed this goose some bread, not sure if the goose ever did take it. She was so entranced by the goose and vise verse. I loved how the sun shone on her long beautiful hair. I really enjoy painting figures with a story.
Time to Mend 6x6 oil Sold
This was painted from life. I love painting things that are vintage. The beautiful markings of use give so much character.
First Bloom 7x5 oil Sold
The first bloom of this years geraniums. I brought this red geranium into my studio to paint, it posed very nicely for me. Now that spring is here I can't wait to go to the nursery to pick up some annuals to plant.